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September 18, 2012
To All Electoral Area B (Shawnigan Lake) Residents:
I advocated that the Regional District take the initiative by proposing that an early SIA application approval would effectively derail any credible prospect of pursuing a collaborative approach to solving the contaminated soil issues in the Cowichan Regional District and Shawnigan in particular.
The following letter sent to the Minister in late August is what was done at my request.
We are awaiting the Minister's response to this potential solution to the concerns of the Shawnigan public
Bruce Fraser
Download a pdf of this document
August 27, 2012
Ministry of Environment
Room 247, Parliament Buildings
Attention: Honourable Terry Lake
Dear Minister Lake:
Re: Contaminated Soils Deposition in the Cowichan Valley_
On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Cowichan Valley Regional District (CVRD) I would like to again express our appreciation for your Ministry working with us to address mutual concerns regarding the deposition of soils within the Regional District. We do appreciate the efforts of Ministry staff and recognize these are challenging issues.
The CVRD has made it very clear that the contaminated soil facility proposed by South Island Aggregates (SIA) in the headwaters of Shawnigan Lake is an unacceptable threat to the domestic water supply of over 4500 residents. While the engineering proposal put forward by SIA may be held by the company to be technically sound, the inevitable long term risks are wholly unacceptable to the public and the CVRD which is a direct water purveyor drawing from Shawnigan Lake.
We believe there is a positive means of preventing what will undoubtedly become a major public issue should the SIA application be approved. The CVRD would like to work with your Ministry to continue the collaboration begun last May after our meeting with you in Victoria. This collaborative effort could now be extended to conduct a mutual search for a suitable soil depository site within the Regional District that is not proximate to a public water supply.
Our preference, of course, would be for the SIA application to be denied. Should this be the case, we recognize that this would still leave government with the problem of waste disposal. As an alternative, we would like to suggest that the decision on the SIA application be put in abeyance for an indefinite period while we pursue the collaborative option. Should the SIA application be approved before this joint work was to be completed, the credibility of our cooperative stance to this difficult issue may be irreversibly lost for both the Provincial Government and the CVRD.
I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you as soon as possible to discuss this proposal. Perhaps this approach might be a model for locating future contaminated soil facilities in other parts of the province. Thank you for your consideration. Ms. Allison Nelson, Executive Assistant will be in contact with your office to discuss arrangements.
Thank you,
Rob Hutchins, Chair